The concept of Biafra Religion is in trangle Structure
Chukwu okike Abiama, Abasi, Tamuno, ohene
on the point.
D. Divinities, Eng,
God, Arusi, Idol,
A. Ancestors
S. Spirit, Demons, Mo
ojo, obanje,
S. Sorcery, Wizard
W. Witch Craft, Amosu,
M. Medicine man, Diba
R. Rain markers, Ndi
n'eji miri
M. Practice of Magic
Biafra is a race that was existed about 5,000 years ago.
Biafra religion is not a man- made religion like Christianty religion. Biafra
is a religion that was given to Moshe from mt Sinia, that started from the
garden of Edem from Adam/ Eve to set down to Noah from Noah to Abraham. Their
language is ibirim Language. which Roman Empire and British Corrupt from the
desendant of Eber. Chukwu okike Abiama preserved the original language.
All the desendant of
Noah spoke only one language (Heb) Benshith - (Eng) Genesis 11:1-9. Before
changing the language at Babel. The descendant of Ham spoke a different
language and of Yafter spoke a differen language. Shem and Noah still spoke the
original language.
YHWH also kept the bloodline of Shem.
Shem's descendants
later become know as the Semities, known as Yisraelities today. Biafra is a
race before Roman Empire / British Empire came with their falsehood religion
and Amagamention that they called Christianty. they came with Cross, Calender,
Changing your name in the name of Baptism and your Cities and a woman that
carry idol in her hand which they called JESU, YESU, MARIA, JESU KIRIST, JESUS
and destmated our land. land is defiled today by
international and local idols.
Before Roman Empire / British Empire came to our land we are
more peaceful more Republican than this present time. Our ancestors know how to
read and wirte.
Our ancestor wrote in Rock, Art and traditional Symbols as
means of expression, communication and information (Nsibidi) more happier,
traning their children with truth. Chistianty brought Corruption even the
elders of our land no truth in their mouth. All of them are in the church.
Churches everywhere abominations everywhere evil is growing everyday evil,
wickdness, abomination, wutimely death, injustice everywhere in our land.
Christianty, is our
problem, Biafra should return to Jewish Religion that is Omenale of ERI, Arili,
(Heb) Efraim (Eng) Ephraim Bayelsa People are our Cousins we are bloodlines
Look what is happening
today in the Biafra Land, Ohaneze ndi igbo are Christians, governors
Christians, they are killing their children, their mothers eating and having
positions / service with the blood of their children. Nobody is talking about
Biafra. The land of Biafra will Swallow your people in the name of Chukwu Okike
Abiama YAHWEH YAHSHUA Ise. The land of your ancestors will hunt you to shame.
Chukwu okike will strick you people down in the name of YAHSHUA
Biafrans should
wake-up they are the worshippers of Chukwu Okike Abiama mean in Hebrew Elohim
of Abraham.
Their Originality is From Yisrael. the Lost Tribe of
Yisrael, from the tribe of GAD / Efraim the son of Yosef.
Hebrew is not the correct spelling pronoucetion of
corruption enter by Roman Empire / British Empire. The correct spelling is
Ibirim. our ancestors face Ibirim become Heboo, Ibo, Igbo, Abraham Become
in the Hebrew or Ibo scripture you will see Eri, Arodi,
(Heb) Benshith (Eng) Gen 46:16, Zachriyah
the father of yahcana the Baptize meaning Onyiye Chukwu
Okike is from Abia, Lukas 1:5.
Adayah meaning Ada Chukwu Okike, Chiyah, Chizikyah (Eng)
Hezekia erro.
Biafrans there is
Original Scripture, original Bible from the Hebrew or Ibo from Holy Land is in
my hand, no matter how the truth will be hide after sometime the truth will be
revaeled. Truth is no now exposed. the Bible that British brought to you
Biafrans is artifcal, counterfit, not original. The original is in the hand of
Hebrew of Ibo people. Truth is in all the market in the Biafra land go and
purches one wirtten in Biafra language. The language of Chukwu Okike Abiama,
Chukwu Okike Abiama preserved it for a purpose the purpose is coming to pass.
They focus on Chukwu Okike, Abasi, Tamuno, Obari, Ohene as their Creator.
Biafra concept of creator are storngly coloured and infiuenced by the
historical, geographical, social, and cultural, background or enviroment of
each people.
Biafra ancestors
belief in one Supreme Creator as Isrealities belief not trinity. Trinity is a
Biafra ancestors belief in one Supreme Creator who Created
heaven and earth, they also beliief to have Created man, animal, sun, moon and
stars, plants etc. Biafra
knowledge of Creator is expressed in Proverbs, Stories,
Statements, Songs, Prayers, Names, Myths, Stories and Religious Ceremonies. All
these are easy to remember and pass on to our children. Chinoso, Chidinma,
Chukwu ma, Ngozi Chukwu ka, Ebere Chukwu, Chimaobi, Chibuzo, Ifeanyi Chukwu,
Chibueze, Ibo ewe eze n'ihe na Chukwu bu eze anyi.Yisrael has no king because
Chukwu okike bu Eze, before devil push them to have a king like other nations
which push them into worshipping Baal and Ashrate. LORD/Maria. As many is
worshipping today.
Yisrealities has corrected their mistakes Biafras correct
your mistakes, to stop being a slave in your land.
Since there are
sacred writing in traditional societies. Therefore Creator Okike is no stranger
to Biafra perople and in traditional life. Biafra fought the Biafra Civil war
with all kinds of fetish, charms, dibolic power, yesu, jesu, jesus christ what
happened at last, did you win the answer is no. Drop your charm, fetish,
dibolic powers, yesu, jesu kirish, jesus christ international and local idols
come and embrace Chukwu okike Abiama, Abasi, Obari, Tanumo, Ohene.
Chukwu Okike is seen
as Ominscience hence this is seen as absolute untimited and intrinsically part
of his eternal nature and Creator. Elohim means mighty One (Heb) Elohim means
Chukwu (Ibo) Chukwu Okike is also Omnipresent and Omnipotent.The atribute of
Creator. Chukwu Okike's transcendence must be balanced with that of his
immanence. since these two are paradoxically complementery. This means that he
is so far, (transcendental) that men cannot reach Him, he is a Spirit. Biafra
is a Spirit. What i want to tell Nigeria zoo is that if they can stop Spirit,
Air they can Stop Biafra as a race but if they cannot, Biafra is Coming with
its beatiful tradition. Religion of truth / honesty, whiter than white. yet, He
is co near (immanent) that He comes close to
men. Chukwu Okike Abiama, Abasi, Tanumo, Obari, Ohene is near to His
people Biafra.
Roman Empire /
British Empire remove Chukwu Okike from your heart and replace with God, god,
divinities, deties, idol,. God is devil. In Greek of latin devs, English God,
Gwad, God- means - man made. God, god, gevil is the ruler of this world.
Stop calling Chukwu
Okike Abiama, Abasi, Tanumo, Obari, Ohene. God, they are Spirit. Okike, Creator
Almighty Creator, Elohim is conceived to be great. He is too great to approach.
On the top. Time came their priest push them into Apostasy to worship idol, is
not, during the early time. they told them that Chukwu Okike, Abasi, Tanumo,
Obari, Ohene is too big to approach that they can worship Him OKIKE, Creator
through dobolic ways, images, God, Jesus, Yesu, Jesu Kirist, Calendars Cross,
today international and local idol everywhere in the Biafra Land. in the name
of Christianty.
Chukwu Okike our
Creator is not happy to us. Shemot (Heb) (Eng) Exodus 20:8 Say's Remember the
Shabbath day, Remember and Keep. Roman Empire / British Empire has change
Jewish Religion into Sunday Service, into worshipping idol Sungod. Which day
the Shabbath of Chukwu Okike Abiama. Biafra i beg you return to your Omenala .
Omenala is the Jewish tradition of your ancestors.
Remember what Mazi
Nnamdi Kanu said No Chukwu Okike Abiama, No Biafra. Some say leave it when
Biafra come will shall pratice it. I am asking Biafra people quastion, are you
given Chukwu Okike Abiama condition or Chukwu Okike Abiama given you
Elohim means-
Chukwu, Okike means YAHWEH, YAHOSHUA means Chukwu Okike Zoba or Chukwu Okike bu
Nzopita. Chukwu Okike Abiama means Elohim of Abraham, Chineke Abraham.
Abraham is he from
where, Hebrew, or Rome, Or British, which language do they speak? Hebrew or
Greek of latin or English. Christianty Shame to youk Pastors, Evanglists,
Apostles, Teachers, Prophet of Christianty Shame to you. Rev Fatthers / Pope
Shame to you. All the Churches in Biafra Land Shame to you. Escape from Church.
Stop going to Church. Come out from Babylon Ancient / Morden Religion of Roman
Empire. Yeremyah 6:16 (Jeremaiah) thus saith the Yahweh, stand ye in the ways,
and see, and ask for the old paths where is the way and walk therein, and you
shall find rest Shabbat for your souls. But some of Biafra said, we will not
walk therein.
The Land of Biafra
will uproot you in the name of Yahoshua Ise. going to Church will not save you.
Is only Chukwu Okike Abiama, Abasi, Tanumo, Obari, Ohene will save you and give
you freedom. Pope, British, will not help us is only Chukwu Okike Abiama of Hebrew
will give us Biafra. Ise. Tell your children all the truth that you know about
Biafra as a race before Chukwu Okike, Abasi, Tanumo, Obari, Ohene will strick
you down. Your ancestor forshook Creator and turn their back from Him. Chukwu
Okike turn His back from them. They started seeking for powers, charms,
fetishy, dibolic powers. when they can Him He no more answering them. Turn your
face to Him and He will turn His face to you. When you call Him He will answer.
Biafra is a Religion thus in the structure of their belief ancestors of Biafra
do not see Creator Okike, YAHWEH as being of the same rank and file whith the
God, Idol, Deities, Arusi, Amadioha, Jesus Christ, Yesu, Jesu Kirist, Iesus,
Zeus, Iesu and Spirits. HE IS THE FATHER, HE IS ALL IN ALL even in the
triangular representation of hierarchy. He is not within the triangle. All the
divinities are in the triangle pointing to Him. Chukwu Okike Abiama, Abasi,
Obari, Ohene, Tanumo.
Our ancestors belief
in Creator is as old as the Biafra nation. This accounts for different local
names of Creator, Okike, in all tongues in Biafra. The Ibos can Him Chineke,
Chukwu Okike, Okike Abiama, ekeke kere eluigwe na uwa, Chimu, -meaning Almighty
Creator and the great Spirit respectively.
Efik, Akwa- Ibo call Him Abasi, it also reflected in most of
the theocentric names they gave to their Children. For example Chibueze,
Chibuzo, Chiamaka.
Abasiama, Imabong, Emenobong, Mfonobong, Enoobong,
Uduakobong, Itoroobong. It is to be noted that the Biafra ancestors Concieved Chukwu
Okike to be two great that He cannot confined in a building. Therefore there
was building dedicated to Chukwu Okike Abiama in the Biafra land. I am a native
of Nsukka in Igbo- Eze L.G.A. There is a place they call in my community Onu
Chukwu Okike Abiama meaning Oracle piece of Chukwu Okike Abiama at open place.
Empty land stories tells that during the olden time people are going there to
solve their cases and their spiritual problems to took and oath. Creator of the
EARTH answer them immedately. Roman Catholic came with falsehood religion and
took away the land from them to build Roman Catholic Church. Today the land is
defiled ther international idol Jesu, yesu kirist, God, Lord, Jesue Christ.
Stay away from Europe Churches and from all Europe Sabbath.
Jewish or Yahudim
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