Tuesday, 14 June 2016


 The Shabbath is the Mark , Christians Don't Have


What is Shabbat?

Shabbat is the day of rest. Shabbat to be remember, as the world rest. Bereshith 2:1-2, (Genesis),Thus the heaven and earth were completed, and all their array. And on the Seventh day Elohim completed His work which He had done, and He rested on the Seventh day from all His work, which He had made. And Elohim bless the Seventh day and made it holy, because on it, He rested from all His work which Elohim in creating had made. (Elohim in Ibri means- Chineke or Chukwu Okike.) Hebrew is English corrupt word. Is Ibri, Ibo, Ibrimiri, Ibriute, meaning cross other side.

We are the children of Yisraelites by birth not by adoption. The children of Eri, Arodi, Areli, from the tribe of Gad. The tribe of Ephrayim form Yoseph tribe ijaw and Bayelsa people. If it is true why are we given our selfs to satan in religion worship of Christianity. Christianity religion is not our religion. (Read some of my articles) if we are the children of Eri, Arodi, Areli, Ephrayim. The children of Abraham, Yitzchak, Yaacob, we should return back to our religion to Chukwu Okike Abiama, Abasi, Tamuno, Obari, Oheneme, Awaji and obey the law and Commadment of YAHWEH Elohim of Ibri. Look for original scripture and discover the truth about you and whom you are. The bible that British and Roman Catholic handed over to you is false. Our problem much came from religion that Roman Empire and British Empire handed over to you. These people erase the Name of Creator from their bible King James Version. Christianty religion, a great deception. 

Only way to solve our problem is to return back to the truth of Torah to keep Shabbat. We claim that we are Yisraelites, are we practicing their religion? The answer is no.  Shemoth 20:8-(Exodus) Remember the Shabbat day, to keep it holy. Six days, you Labour, and do all work but the seventh day is a Shabbat of YAHWEH your Elohim. You do not do any work- you, Nor you son, Nor your daughter, Nor your male servant, Nor your female servant, Nor your cattle nor your stranger who is within your gates. for in six days YAHWEH your Elohim made the heaven and the earth the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore YAHWEH bless Shabbat day and keep it holy. 

The good people of the land which day is the Shabbat day? Roman Catholic and British Anglican Church use their deception on us. Pope, Bishops, Evangelists, Apostles, Teachers, Decons, Deconesses, Church warders, Rev fathers, Rev Sisters, Students of colleges/universties which day is the Seventh day?

Many your senses return back and may your eyes open in the Name of YAHWEH Chukwu Okike Abiama. Ise

Biafrans, can anybody show me where can we find Sunday worship even in their coronation Bible. Roman Catholic and British Christianity told you to forget law that the time of law has passed away that will are in time of grace. I am asking question tell us what is new. It is heaven and earth, male and female, light and darkness, Sun, moon and stars, good and evil, animals, Angles, nothing is new under these earth.

Christianity will tell you, Pope, Bishop, pastors, Rev father and Rev sisters will tell you that law has passed away or changed but tithes, offering, Thanksgiving, child dedication, harvest is not changed. Remember YAHWEH Chineke says in the Ibri Scripture Malaki 3:6- for I am YAHWEH I shall not change. He is Old Testament and New Testament. He is Chineke and Chukwu Okike, Abasi, Tamuno, Obari, Oheneme, Awaji, man and woman, heaven and earth, YAHWEH YAHOSHUA. 

Chukwu Okike says - Mattithyahu 5:17-18 (Matthew) do not think that I came to destroy the Torah or the Nebilm. I did come to destroy but to complete. For truly I say to you, till the Shamayaim and earth pass away one yod or one little shall by no means pass from the Torah till all be done.

Christianity lied against the Creator of heaven and earth. They corrupt the land with their lies that law is abolished. if law is abolished why should you go to court, police to obtain fair judgement, evil everywhere, wickedness, corruption, lack of Job to our children. If musilem contributed 20%, Christianity contributed 80%. The bible in their hand is full of corruption. Their Pope, Bishop, pastors, Rev father's and Rev sister's are full of corruption. The good people of the nation it is good time to reason twice, stop listening to their messages, stop attending their churches. Since that they are killing you, have Pope of Rome, Bishop of Cantabrigian says anything about it? There is no salvation in Christianity. They gave you wrong savior, wrong Names, since you are praying what is the result? They gave Bible to kill you your sels. Today you are killing your selfs. Enemies surrounded you everywhere. The nation have turned into he'll because you forsaken YAHWEH Elohim of your ancestors and followed international idols. For forsaken Chukwu Okike Abiama, Abasi, Tamuno, Obari, Oheneme, Awaji will not do us good. Early is the better. 

Men of God. God means devil small or capital God is god the same meaning A.k.A devil, no truth in their mouth useless people, stop believing in their prophecies, their prophecies is lies. When Roman Empire came with their sister British Empire our fathers could not ask any questions about these. But my good people of the land is time to ask questions about these religion called Christianity. Ask your pastor the meaning of Jesus Christ, yeu, jesu, kirist, kirisana, Mary, Maria, Zeus, lesu, lesoos, christ, Pope is Christian in his office, your Bishops, pastor is christ, kirist in their office. They are useless people without shame full of cultic, some are native doctors, charmes, their women are barren, some their men are impotent human beings, another men is having children for them in the name of adoption no where to be found in the scriptures open your eyes, they are the cause of our destortion. Christianity is the cause of our distortion. Everybody should wake up from sleep and embrace the tradition of your ancestors to restore all righteousness to our land. YAHUDA RELIGION IS THE RELIGION OF CHUKWU ABRAHAM, ABASI, TAMUNO, OBARI, OHENEME, AWAJI. Shabbat Keeping is the answer to our freedom, Peace, and Joy. 

Shabbat is the Mark Christianity don't have. Shabbat is the Mark of YAHWEH Elohim of Ibri, Chukwu Okike Abiama, Abasi, Tamuno, Obari, Oheneme, Awaji.

Ibri Scripture- Yehezqel 20:11-12, 19-20. (Ezekliel) 11- All I gave them my laws and showed then my right. Rulings which, if a man dose, he shall lived by them.

12- And I also gave them my Shabbothoth, to be a sign between them and me, to know that I am YAHWEH your Elohim. Chineke, Abasi, Tamuno, Obari, Oheneme, Awaji, who make them Holy. 19- I am YAHWEH your Elohim, Chineke, Abasi, Tamuno, Obari, Oheneme, Awaji, walk in my laws and guard my Right- Rulings do them. 20- And Holy my Shabbat and they shall be a sign between me and you, to know that I am YAHWEH your Elohim.

Ibri Scripture Shemot 13:9- (Exodus) And it shall be a sign to you on your hand and as a reminder on your eyes that the Torah of YAHWEH is to be in your mouth, for with a strong hand YAHWEH has brought you out of Mitsrayim.

The Beast will Change the Shabbat to Sunday worship. Ibri Scripture Areli 7:25 English (Daniel). And it speaks words against the most High, and intend to change their Religious laws and festivals of Elohim Chukwu Okike, Abasi, Tamuno, Obari, Oheneme, Awaji, and Elohim people will be under his power for three and a half years. 

The beast Pope had successed to gave you Sunday worship which has no root in the Ibri Scripture. To worship images, calendar, cross, white men and women in the name of salvation.

My good people of the land what is your case, Roman Empire and British Empire gave false Bible that have no power to save, they erase the Name of the Creator from it, you accepted. Calendars, Images Cross everything Roman Empire through Portuguese and British Empire commanded us we accepted all. We and our children are Slaves today. Where are they? Man- made salvation. They have turn back from you, during the Civil War they refused to give salt to eat many of our children died through (kwashoko). Today you are still in their Catholic and Anglican, Pentecostal Church. Shameless people without since, your faculty of reasoning is dead. Christianity Religion is fallacy.

Yeshayah 49:15- (Isaiah). Would a woman forget her nursing child and not have compassion on the son of her womb?. Roman Catholic Pope and British Anglican Queen Elizabeth has forgotten. Biafrans, my good people of the land your first Love is Chineke, Chukwu Okike Abiama, Abasi, Tamuno, Obari, Oheneme, Awaji, I urge you to return to your trandition and your Culture to make peace with Creator of heaven and earth He will still have mercy on us. He will show us a thousand Love again.

Many people say no, that they where in a strange land. We are not in a strange land, that where you are making a mistake. We are in our land but enemies surrounded us. Chukwu Okike, Obari, Oheneme, Awaji, Abasi, Tamuno, Gave command you say No.

Will YAHWEH Elohim of Ibri save this great Nation Biafra?

How happy they were that lived in a nation that promoted and sanctioned paganism.

Shemoth 20:1 (Exodus)- This is one of many of our national sins for which we are being punished. We are at fault accepting Christianity

Here is list of our punishment- Devrim 28:1-15 (Deutornomy). - THE CURSES

1. We and our children will be Cursed.

2. No success in everything we do.

3. Plagues will cing to your lung, disease fever, inflammation, extreme hemorrhoids, obscurity, itch, madness, Blindness, consternation of heart bad knees, legs and disease from sole of your feet even to your crown.

4. Drought, flood, wars lost, death by wild animals, plundered, rape, foreclosure food and animals shipped to enemies.

5. Planting great and harvesting little no nutrition even though there is plenty.

6. Planted food devoured by animals.

7. Sons and daughters taken to die in foreign lands in wars.

8. Outsiders will own your land and shall be over you.

9. He shall lead to you and you shall not to him. He shall be the head and you shall be the tail.

Each one of these curses can be found to some degree. As wickedness in creases so shall the curses.

Christianity your are at the back. Your pastors don't read this place to you. Burning churches, killing people in the churches. Christian northers are not save.

Tehillim 118:8, (psalms). - It is better to trust in YAHWEH than to put confidence in man the consent of the people.

Mishley 14:12, (proverbs). - There is a way which seemth right unto a man (the consent of the people) but the end ways of death.

Mattithyahu 7:13, (Matthew). Enter you in at the strait gate for wide is the gate and blood and many (the consent of the people) there be which go in there at.

YAHWEH YAHOSHUA, Chukwu Okike, Chineke, Chukwu Abiama, Abasi, Tamuno, Obari, Oheneme, Awaji will not save a nation that rejects Him and His Laws and Commadment and His Principle.

My good people of the nation, do you need your freedom? This time come back to YAHWEH Elohim of Ibri, we have left the foundation our ancestors instructed us. Jesus, jesus, jesus, jesus, will not save again, for any nation that reject YAHWEH will turn to hell, nation has turn to hell. Witchcraft, divination, sorcery, protest, will not save come back to YAHWEH He will save as He save the Yisraelites from the hand of faro, He will return to us as in the time of Old.


Sunday Worship is the Mark of the beast. Hazon 13:16, And he causes all, both small and great and rich and poor, and free and slave, to be given a mark upon their right hand or upon their foreheads. 17- And that no one should be able to buy or sell except he that has the Mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18- Here is the wisdom. He who has understanding, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is the of a man and his number is 666.

Is Pope that gave you Sunday worship after he succeeded killing all the Saint of the Most High. Answer my question. Are to follow Romans for salvation or Yisraelites?

My people if we continue these way it is impossible, for we to be free from slavering. Stop lying to yourself, to your children to your Creator. Only the truth that can save these great Nation.


YAHOSHUA- Teacher of the Shabbat.

Ibri 4:8-11, (Hebrew). For if Yahoshua established them in rest he would not have spoken of another day after it. 9- So there remains a Shabbothoth keeping for the people of Chineke, Abasi, Tamuno, Obari, Oheneme, Awaji. 10- for the one having entered into His test has himself also rested from His works as Elohim from His own. 11- let us therefore do our utmost to enter into that Shabbat, least anyone fall after the same example of disobedience.

Great Nation- Is the Mark of YAHWEH YAHOSHUA or the Mark of the beast?


Shema all Yisraelites

Shema, Yisrael Yahweh Eloheinu

Yahweh Echad.

Baruk Shem k' vod malehuto

I' Olam Vaed.

All sing

Yod Hey Waw Hey

Melek Yisrael toda araba. (2x)

Chag Sa - me - ch !

Ima Nwachukwu Ngozi Yahka. 

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