Thursday, 1 September 2016

What Israel and Others Say About Ndi Igbo

What Israel and Others Say About Ndi Igbo (Hebrew)

Image result for Yehuda Tochukwu    Image result for Yehuda Tochukwu

We know since at least 1789 AD that Jews have been interested in the possible Igbo-Israel connection when a former Igbo slave named Olauda Equiano, living in London first proposed the Igbo-Israel relationship in his autobiography. Anglican Missionary G.T. Basden, the first to minister to the Igbo wrote many books which claimed and connected the Igbos to the tribes of Israel. Several editions of the Encyclopaedia Britannica in 1929 connect the Igbo people to Gad. A Torah commentary on Sh’mot in 1922 made the Igbo-Gad connection also. Some Igbos, including Dr. Ikedife recalls Israelis visiting Igbo land and investigating such claims during the Biafran War.

Under direction of Israeli Prime minister Yitzhak Rabin, in October of 1995 and in May 1997under Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli government sent delegates, looking for a long lost brother Eri. They went to Nigeria, state to state, town to town, tribe to tribe, quietly observed to see if any recognizable Hebraic traits or customs would pop out. When they made it to Obu-Gad their search ended as they saw the Igbo there display Hebraic-ness in their culture. They even saw the ancient stone throne of Gad and immediately recognized the script at the foot of the throne as Paleo-Hebrew. They also visited many sites that have been connected to Eri and the Igbo people. This was documented on film and later shown on Israeli Television. I have been given a DVD copy of this documentary by Eze A.E. Chukuwuemeka-Eri.

On March 28th 1996 Israeli Ambassador to Nigeria visited Nri and cried acknowledging that the Igbos was among the Lost Tribes of Israel. Before he left he gave Eze Nri a gift of olives and oil stating that such gifts were only given to Kings of Israel.

In October 23rd 1997 Yitzhaq David, an American Jew and Program Director of King Solomon Sephardic Federation was televised visiting the King in Nwewi (Also a King I have personally visited myself), Igwe Kenneth Orizu III. It was said during that visit by Zagi David, another delegate which came with the K.S.S.F. “After much research work on the origin of the Igbos, the archaeological findings indicate that Israel is the true home and they should make a quick come back for historical reunion.” “The wild landscapes of Africa, its exotic rhythms and mask dances provide the picturesque background for this tribe, who believes itself to be the descendants of the Israelite tribe of Gad.

They interpret their name “Ibo” as a mispronounced “Hebrew” and till today, the members pray to “Chukwu Abiama” - Abraham’s God. The Ibos, well known for their struggle for independence in the Biafra war, are now considered the “Jews of Nigeria” and have contributed greatly to the intellectual and economic development in that country.” –
“Outreach to Nigerian Jews by the wider Jewish world community gained official status from 1995 – 1997, when Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin sent a team to Nigeria in search of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. Western rabbis and educators such as Rabbi Gorin have visited the community at times and Jewish communities in the West support those in Nigeria by sending books, computers, and religious articles. However, the State of Israel has, to date, not officially recognized the Igbo as one of the Lost Tribes.

In 2004-2008, Rabbi Yaacov Behrman made numerous trips to Nigeria to help the Israeli community with Jewish community development…”

In a White House memo dated Tuesday, January 28, 1969 to President Nixon, former Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger describes the Igbos as “the wandering Jews of West Africa-gifted, aggressive, westernized, at best envied and resented, but mostly despised by their neighbours in the federation”(foreign relations document, volume E-5, documents on Africa 1969-1972).

Israel Today originally reported in 2006 how Chief Rabbinate recognized the Igbos as sons of Israel descended from Gad. And indeed, there is an Igbo-Gad community in Tel Aviv Israel who have their own synagogue.

Haaretz magazine in Oct, 12, 2005 article declared the Igbos to be sons of Israel through Gad. Prof. Elisabeth Isichei an Australian historian and Melville Merrskovits, an American writer, all strongly believe there is enough evidence to link the Igbos of Nigeria to the Israeli tribe of Gad. Among Igbo authorities, Prof. O. Alaezi and Remy Ilona also believed without a doubt that the Igbos are descendants of Gad as well as other Tribes of Israel.

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