Friday, 8 July 2016


 the word church in Greek Cultural was a Political Assembly. By the fifth Century B.C. Church had come to mean an official gathering of the full citizens of a Greek City-State who were called together to make political and Judicial decisions. Greek never used Church to refer to Religious followship as Biafrans think. FOR THE IBRIM (Hebrew). THE WORD EKKIESIA: translated in Ibri word most often used in the old testament to indicate a Ceremorial Assembly of Elohim's Covenant People. In the time of Yahshua another term was used to translate ekkiesia and other Ibrim terms was inCommon use. This word was Synagogue not only stood for the place of Shabbat meeting but in the Cultural world, it was also identified with Yahudim belief (Jewish belief).
IN THE NEW TESTAMENT AGE. The new Community of Christians broke Greek usage as an ekkiesia. It also broke with its Yahudim roots by rejecting the word Synagogue and pick the phrase church Greek translated ekkiesia as church. EKKIESIA is not church. CHURCH A GREAT DECEPTION. Church a great fraud, Roman Catholic and Anglican Church deceive the entire Race of Africa trapping them into falsehood Religion in the name of worshipping God. Some other Religious leaders have little truth about their Religion but Christianity zero, lies. I Ima Nwachukwu Okike, am writing to you Biafrans why is Christianity is the ultimate Religion in these Land of our Ancestors?.Do you know that some of you leaders belong to different Occult. Blacks is in tick darkness there is no where Church, Sunday Service appear in the Original Scriptures. The word CHURCH-Translated- (Lord'sHouse)-Baal's House, where Constantine lived and died.
THE COUNCIL OF NICEA in 325 C.E. A Pagan gentile named Constantine Conqured Rome and made himself emperor. During his time, the Council of Nicea Remove the name of the Savior of the whole world YAHOSHUA HA-MASHIAH to (Jesus Christ). Constantine, although a Pagan himself declared Christianity to be the Catholic (Latin Universal) Religion, thus making Christianity the enforced State Religion of the Roman Empire. Roman Empire Religion then is Babylonia Ancient Religion. Constantine activated it. Christianity is a New Name. Constantine who was an anti- Semite called the Council of Nicea in 325 C.E. To Standarize Christianity, Awareness were excluded from the meeting. Jewish practices were banned. For the first time Gentile Christianity officially labeled the Nazarenes as apostates from this time forward Nazarenes begin to be listed in the Catalogs of apostate movements.
Lord, God, Jesus Christ is a Counterfit Messiah of Christianity. Abraham, Yitshac, and Yaacob and the entire Yisrael don't belong to Roman Empire/ British Empire. Roman Catholic, Anglican, Protestant, Europe Sabbath, 7th day Advertise, Remember that all the Protestant leaders are Catholic Morks, Martin Luther and others. Church evil, Bible fake, Pastors evil, Bishops, Rev fathers, Rev Sisters, Cardinals, Pope evil. Chukwu Okike Abiama (Abraham) Abasi, Tanumo, Oheneme, Awaji, Obari, is in the tongue of our ancestors. Call him in this Smuggle we shall prevail in the name of Yahshua Chukwu Okike Abiama, Abasi, Tanumo, Oheneme, Awaji, Obari, is the the Creator of Heaven and Earth. YAHOSHUA HA-MASHIAH. Lord, god, God, LORD, Jehovah, Jesus, is not the Creator. Christianity Savior is Zeus. YAHWEH ELOHIM is the Creator. Ahmen (Shemot 3:15) Exodus. Christian should apologies to gay people says Pope Francis.
Please Biafrans return back from the Church or so called Christianity. Christianity and their leaders cannot help us any Longer, is only Chukwu Abiama, Abasi, Obari, Oheneme, Awaji, will deliver us. YAHWEH YAHOSHUA will grant us freedom with this Name No Power will Stop Us. Roman Empire/British Empire is Jealousy to Yisrael. Then YHWH Came to me saying son of man, they who inhabit these ruins in the Land of Israel are saying, Abraham was only one and he inherited the Land. But we are many the Land has not been given to us as a Possession. Therefore say ti them, thus says YHWH you eat meat with blood, you lift up your eyes toward your idols, and shed innocent blood. Should you then possess the Land? You rely on your sword, you Commit abominations, and you defile one another's wives. Should you Possess the Land? (Yezekel 33:23-26,) Ezekiel.
Christianity People rejected the Torah the books of the Creator of Heaven and Earth. The fool has said in his heart there is no YHWH. Christianity has say there is no YHWH (Tehillim 14:1) Psalm. In 132 C.E. A Second Jewish revolt against Rome began. The Emperor Hadrian banned Circumcision. Those that brought Christianity for you banned Circumcision and killed all the Yahoshua's disciples. Roman Empire with the help of British destroy the Temple of Yahrushalayim when Titus lead his Army to the Holy Land in to AD. With the help of the British today you are suffering. From far country down to Biafra Land for Amalgamation taking all your Blessings that your Ancestors inherit for you. Is all about thinking, think like a human being. Enough, rise up Great Biafrans and Stop them. In the original Scripture No Sunday, No Church.

THE WORD SYNAGOGUE: Synagogue is a place where Yahudim gathered for Worship, in the New Testament period. The Greek word for Synagogue: Means- Assembly. Gathering of People not Church. The Scripture Tells Us That Yahoshua Ha-Mashiah attended Synagogue. The Book of Mattitthyah- (Mattew). 12:9, 13:54, Markus- (Mark) 1:21, 1:29, 3:1, 6:2, Lukas- (Luke). 4:16, 4:20, 4:28, 4:38, 6:6, 7:5, Yohanah- (John) 12:42, 18:20, Maaseh- (Acts) 13:14, 13:42, 14:1, 18:4, 18:26, 19:8, Never Mentions Church. Synagogue is a good place to mention that Mashiah Yahshua Worship. Shual whom Christian Change his name to Paul, Paul is not his name, Shual warned against that was already beginning to happen 2,000 years ago, the world had already embrace (Jesus) a totally different person from one revealed in the Scripture Shual warned us. (Qorintiyim 2) 11:1-4.
Christians in the whole world answer this question. 1. Who are the Original People of the Holy Land? 2. Who are the Original People of the Religion? 3. Who are People that Receive the Ten Commandment? 4. Abraham is from where? 5. Whom are the Children of Abraham? 6. Is Morshe from where? 7. Who are the Original People of the Scripture? 8. In which Language is Original Ibri (Hebrew) Scripture is written? 9. What is the name of the Creator? 10. What is the name of the son of the Creator? Biafra is a Religion, Biafra Religion is Older than Angles and Man. Creator is the Founder Ahmen. Shalom Yisrael Ima Nwachukwu Ngozi Yahka.

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