Friday, 3 June 2016


An estimated number of
400,000 Hebrews arrived the
apparent safe territory of
Biafra land  in about 638BC.
Ezeala (1992) contends that
the group of Hebrews that
came to Biafra land was from
*'the clan of Shechenigbo from
the tribe of Judah within the
province ofJudea". But the
later days findings on the
origin of the Biafrans as recorded
in this book and earlier works
such as Basden (1938),
Ogolonia (1994), Ononju
(1996) and confirmed by the
Holy Scriptures, the Torah
and the Bible, seem to suggest
clan of Gad.

The Genesis of the Movement of  Biafrans into Biafra land:
The movement into Biafra land by the exiled Hebrews from Israel following the curse of YAHWEH upon the Israelites for disobeying Him began about 1718BC when King Salmanzar V of Assyria defeated Israel and drove away the inhabitants after rendering the entire land desolate. The Assyrian King brought in a large number of pagans from Assyria to occupy every inch of the Land of the scattered Jews so as to blot out their identity as a people of YAHWEH. however, two tribes Judah and Benjamin, out of the Twelve Tribes of
Israel were left behind in their original places. The next scattering of the Hebrews in continuation with YAHWEH’S plan was by the Babylonians under King Nebuchadnezzar, first in 536BC and secondly in 586BC. The next and the last Gentile power used by YAHWEH to scatter His people Israel for disobedience was the Roman Empire in AD 70, The Roman General, Titus, drove away the
remaining Two Tribes of Israel and the remants " of the Hebrews or Israelites from their homeland, Israel " into the four corners of the earth" in final
fulfillment of the YAHWEH’S curse on them (see Deuteronomy 28; Ezekiel 23)               

I will disperse you among the nations and scatter you through the countries and I will put an end to your uncleanness (Ezekiel, 23:15).

With this last scattering exercise by the Romans about 700,000 Hebrews found themselves back to Egypt they moved to" Tunisia, to Syria, to Iraq, Morocco, Lybia, Sudan and then to sub-Saharan Africa setting in their largest numbers in Biafra land which was then not yet occupied by any of the Gentile powers as in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa. The then Biafra land was
therefore safer in terms of freedom of religious practice. It was only inhabited by the Kwas, the Allokoos and the pigmies, not Arabs yet. This was the most cogent human" reason for the choice of Biafra land for final settlement in such a large number by the scattering Hebrews who more than any other thing wanted a safe place for their practice of Judaism, • monothesim worshipping tha Almighty Creator of the Universe, the YAHWEH of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as the only God. but YAHWEH’S own reason for the choice of Nigeria for them has just been known almost 2,800 after the divine choice was made. There is oil and other minerals reserves second in qualitity to that in the Middle east in the places where the Hebrews (Biafrans) were forced to go and settle for the fulfillment of j
His promise of restoration in the last days "after His great anger on the Hebrews shall have been turned away”
As has been said earlier, given the large number of Hebrews (Biafrans) in Biafra land, it is not likely that Israel can contain any significant number of them. Intact, it is clear that not all the Hebrews in the Diaspora including the Biafrans will go back to settle in Israel for the land is too small for millions of them all over the world. Of course, the Almighty had earlier told Jacob so. But to show the holiness of His great name, to honour His words. His promise of material and spiritual restoration will get to all Hebrews or Jews whenever they may be in the world during the last days, even before gathering them back finally in the Land, Israel. In Biafra YAHWEH'S grand plan for the last day's restoration of His people the Biafrans, is just too obvious now. Besides settling them in the oil rich areas of Nigeria, the YAHWEH Almighty had blessed

then with abundance of agricultural products (e.g palm produce in big commercial quantity) besides their intelligence, dynamism and great ability for
hard work. But what is happening to the material resources found in the Biafra areas of Biafra land is as if it is in fulfillment of this particular YAHWEH'S curse on the Hebrews "people that you do not know will eat what your land and labour produce, and you will have nothing but cruel oppression... you will have olive trees throughout your country but you will not use the oil (Deuteronomy 28:33_40).
Actually, the oil wealth in particular from Biafra land is certainly not with the Bifrans but with those from the other places where the oil is not found. However, it is believed that in YAHWEH’S own time, all that is due to the Biafrans in Biafra land will get back to them. Events of the past have shown that God's due course of time is always in fours of multiple of fours. Consider this. YAHWEH did not create the sun that regulates the course of human time and seasons until the forth day. The choice of four days for a week or for one complete course of segment of time in human calendar by the Biafra Hebrews may have been an imitation of the Almighty's choice of number, a divine choice. The Almighty has the number four (4) as a special number. The living creatures in the appearance of a man steadily moved back and forth and covered the Glory of the Yahweh were 4 in number, with 4 faces, wings and 4 sides with the hands of a man.
"All four of them had faces and wings, and their wings touched one another. Their appearance was like burning coals of fire or like torches. Fire moved back and forth among the creatures; it was bright, and lighting flashed out of it. the creatures sped back and forth like flashes of lighting... Above the expanse over their head was what looked like a throne of sapphire, and high above on the throne was a figure like that of a man. Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day. So was the radian around him... This was the appearance of the glory of the Lord" (Ezekiel 1:4-28).
Indeed, the number 4 is the number that the YAHWEH Almighty has also apparently chosen in measuring the length of time for the atonement of Israel's
and its people's sin of idolatry for forty years in the wilderness. For the atonement of Israel, Ezekiel the prophet was made to bear their sin for "40 days, a day for each year" (Ezekiel 4:6). The YAHWEH Almighty assigned   to Ezekiel the same
number of days as the years of their son (sin of the house of Judah).          
The Almighty's appointed time for the punishment of the Israelites in Egypt as slaves was 400 (4 x 100). Almighty's appointed time for the Hebrews or the Israelites to use in crossing the desert to the promised land after leaving Egypt was 40 years (4 x 10). The Almighty's appointed time for the resurrection of Lazarus from the dead by YAHOSHUA was on the fourth day. The Almighty's appointed time for the rule of the first three kings of Israel Saul, David and Solomon is approximately 40 years (4 x 10) each and so for 120 years (4 x 30) Israel was one nation. For refusing to do God's work, Jonah was in the belly of a fish for three days and on the fourth day he was vomited out to start the work willy nillv. When Moses went to seek the face "of YAHWEH in the mountain, it was for days (4 x 10). When YAHOSHUA  went to seek the face of YAHWEH before starting his ministry on earth it was for 40 days and 40 night (4 x 10). Earlier on, during the great flood that destroyed Noah's world, the calamities lasted for 40 days and 40 nights (4 x 10). It may, therefore, be wise to predict that the Biafrans Hebrews will only begin to benefit from their own home-based oil/mineral wealth of Biafra by early 2000s. Oil in Biafra became an important source of national wealth in early 1960s. From 1960 to 2000 we have 40 years (4 x 10). The Biafra may have to wait for the early parts of year 2000 before being fully restored and appreciated in.........
continue from next article

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